Tuesday, September 29, 2009

True Love

Human beings experience love in direct proportion to their level of consciousness. Love is our natural state. Love imposes nothing on another, and in turn requires nothing but merely delights in the uniqueness of each being. Freedom is always an essential ingredient of true love.

Since consciousness is as yet a rare state for human beings, the love that we feel at our present level of consciousness is coloured by several factors including our conditioning, our desires, and the behaviour of our beloved. We fall in and out of love. We establish social formulas and rules within which we experience romantic and sexual 'love'. There may be moments of stillness when we feel a surge of pure love for another being. Sooner or later however, most people become disillusioned with romantic love when they realise that happiness and security cannot be guaranteed by another.

We blame our partners for not accepting us, for not loving us, for not giving us what we need. The constructed self identifies completely with the beloved, and seeks to control and possess the object of affection. Confusion, anger, conflict, violence, pain and deep unhappiness most often result from unrequited love or failing relationships.

The focus of our love must be inward in terms of connecting with the deep source of love that is our essence, and outward in terms of loving others. It is a futile exercise to become caught up in whether other people love us or not. We can never control what another person feels for us. In reality we can never fully know what anyone else feels because that depends on their capacity to open to consciousness and hence to experience true love.

A greater degree of clarity will ensue when we realise that our attempt to love others is part of our spiritual development. When we begin to experience consciousness in the moment - outside of time, past or future - we may gain an awareness of what true love actually is.

Beyond all the thoughts, emotions and conditioning, your essence is pure love. No one can ever take this away from you. This is the natural state of all beings. Love is an expression of our oneness with the whole of life. It is part of our purpose on earth to realise this truth. Love freely given is the ultimate gift to another person. While everything in the physical plane is impermanent, true love cannot end because it is at the very heart of our essence.

You may like to note down your answers to the following: Whether you are in an intimate relationship or not, list the attributes you most desire in a mate. Take each of the above attributes in turn. Why do you consider this attribute to be important? If your mate, or potential mate, lost these attributes would this bring about a change in your feelings of love?

Again take each of the above attributes in turn. Now apply them to yourself. Is this a quality that you have already developed in yourself? If not, consider how you can develop this trait in yourself.

Love and Acceptance Observe the boundaries and formulas you erect around the circumstances and object of your love. This may help you to gain greater awareness as to what true love actually is. True love is complete acceptance of the other person. This does not mean that we must accept negative or destructive behaviour. It simply means that we can see past the conditioned responses and lack of awareness that are temporarily obscuring this person's true nature. There may be times when we need to leave a relationship that is interfering with our ability to grow, or is causing us too much pain. However we may still wish the person well, and send them love and light.

The basis of true love is acceptance. In accepting and loving another, not as we imagine them to be but as they actually are, we are flowing with the reality of life and moving away from illusions that delude us and cause us confusion and suffering. There is nothing as clear as true love. Thus we can only begin to love ourselves as we are, without demanding that we change some undesirable aspect or achieve some goal. True love emanates from within. By loving what is - all of yourself as you are in this moment - you can offer the same precious gift to another.

True love recognises the unity and oneness of all beings. This pure love requires a heightened state of sustained consciousness. When we feel true love for another it is not possible to experience its opposite - fear, hate, fury or jealousy. True love is not limited by the constraints of physical or mental attributes. True love knows its own magnificence at the deepest level of existence and therefore recognises the sacred beauty and inherent perfection of all other beings. True love is so distant from our usual notions of loving that it may sound extraordinary that this kind of love could ever be found. Yet true love resides within and is naturally revealed when there is full awareness. When we finally experience true love - whether for a moment, a day or a lifetime - our whole life is full of love and we are no longer concerned about whether or not another person loves us. True love has no concern, no agenda other than to simply love.

Ever wonder who your true love is? Participate and have your true love revealed. Get Started Now!

Extract from "Course in Consciousness" by Lucy Costigan, published by iUniverse 2004. Lucy Costigan's career has been quite eclectic. She has worked as a magazine editor with Wexford Life, a technical writer, an analyst-programmer, a counsellor, and a programmes' facilitator. Lucy holds Masters Degrees in Equality Studies (UCD, Ireland), and in Research (NCI, Ireland). From an early age Lucy has been on a quest to discover the ultimate meaning of life. Lucy's books have been reviewed on RTE (Ireland's National Television and Radio stations), on BBC radio, and in various international publications. RTE's popular Sunday Show dedicated a full-length program to her book Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace (Columba Press, 1998).

Lucy's books include: Irish Guide to Complementary and Alternative Therapies (Wolfhound Press) Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace (Columba Press) Winter Solstice: A Novel (iUniverse) Social Awareness in Counselling (iUniverse) What is the Meaning of Your Life (iUniverse) Course in Consciousness (iUniverse) Women and Healing (iUniverse) The Transformation of Yvette (iUniverse). Lucy lives in her native town of Wexford, Ireland.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lucy_Costigan

How to Become a Freelance Writer

Do you want to become freelance writer? If yes then you are reading the right article. Becoming a freelance writer is not everybody's cup of tea. It is a daunting task which asks for commitment, dedication and perseverance. To succeed one has to knock doors constantly swallowing his sense of pride. In spite of this, becoming a freelance writer is the best option for enthusiastic persons with excellent writing skills. The exciting news for a freelancer is that more and more publications and websites are looking for writers these days. In the arena of freelancing, becoming a freelancer means one should become a specialist since there is a demand for good 'niche writers'. Travel writers, Copy writers, Resume writers, Technical writers etc are some of the categories, to name a few.

* There are a few things that you can do to begin become a freelance writer. Young children can send their poems and articles to children's magazines. Teenagers can submit articles to school newspapers and magazines. College students can offer their services at the writing lab, literary magazines and alumni magazines, which will in turn help them to become freelance writers.
* It will always be beneficial to join a freelance writer's association. The most important thing is to become active in the writing community. Establishing a rapport with fellow writers will pay rich dividends in due time.
* Going through books which aid in enhancing writing skills is another way to reach your goal of becoming a successful freelance writer. Submitting letters to the editor of the local newspaper, writing articles for church bulletin, creating a blog etc will work wonders.
* Once you feel that you are attained the skills to become a professional writer, send a letter of query to the lifestyle, sports editor of your local newspaper enquiring whether they are interested in publishing an article on the topic. If they are interested you can send the first paragraph and an outline of the rest. You can even find publishers, you would like to write for.
* While writing try to be unique. Don't try to imitate others to become a successful freelancer.
* Constantly surfing the net is another way to move ahead. Search Engines can be used to seek and to apply for advertised or possible opportunities. At the same time you can also e-mail or call up editors.
* When you come across good web sites you could write for, look for submission guidelines or send your query. Most probably you will get a response which would take you forward.

Now let's discuss certain things which should not be done to become a freelance writer.

* Don't wait till and understanding is reached. Keep on writing till you get sufficient chances. Even if you are not paid for it don't take it to heart, rather be enthusiastic and move on.
* Don't be disheartened even if you find your article published without giving you a single penny. Just think it a hazard associated with your occupation.
* Never get bitter with an editor for the reason that he has rejected you work. Remember all the successful freelance writers must have gone through this phase of rejection. Consider rejections as stepping stones on your way to become a freelance writer.
* Don't quit. Disappointments and set backs are part of life. So is the case when you want to become a freelance writer. It is important to try and try again until you succeed.

Surfers who sign-up to Freelance Home Writers will be given a free account where they can get paid to write novels, stories and even on blogs.

If you are really want to Make Money From Articles Online, then I would recommend you to visit 6 Figure Freelancer Review This is a step by step guide which can help you in making six figure income from the comfort of your home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mila_Arora

Astrology - What Are Chinese Signs?

How much do you know about astrology and the zodiac? If nothing else, you've probably heard the words before, right? Well if you know anything about the zodiac then you are probably aware of the 12 signs people are born under, including Aries, Scorpio and Leo. Well, in addition to this more well-known aspect of the zodiac are the 12 Chinese animal signs of the zodiac. Many people are not nearly as informed about this aspect of astrology - but if you're interested in learning more then let's take a journey down the road less traveled to understand the significance of these signs.

What are Chinese Signs?

The Chinese animal signs are a part of a 12-year cycle that is used for dating the years. Instead of dating a calendar in correlation with the sun's cycle, the Chinese Lunar Calendar looks at the cycles of the moon starting somewhere between late January and early February.

The twelve astrological animal signs of the Chinese zodiac are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. So instead of assigning an astrological sign to a specific 28-30 day span like the Western zodiac, each animal is assigned a year, and after the 12th animal's year has come and gone, the first animal is repeated again. This practice has been in existence since 1911, and while much of Chinese culture uses the Western solar calendar, many still honor the animal signs as well.

Now that you've learn a little bit more about the background of this alternative form of astrology, let's look at the specific meanings of each animal sign.

The 12 Chinese Signs of the Zodiac

As mentioned previously, in Chinese astrology there are 12 animal signs representing the 12-year cycle of the zodiac. Let's look at them more closely.


The rat is the first sign in Chinese astrology and has a reputation for being relentless. They are said to be manipulative and aggressive, but hide it well under a charming exterior. These are the people who make the world go-round; they strive for power, are excellent at making critical decisions under pressure and are endlessly intelligent. The one thing that can slow this animal down is over-indulgence in power and success. They can often become greedy and end up losing what they worked so hard to achieve. Rats are born in the years 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and soon to come 2008.


The next sign the Chinese astrology is the ox. This sign is considered to be much more easy-going than the rat, achieving goals and becoming very successful in public speaking and politics. While the rat loves to make constant financial moves and can become careless, the ox can be quite the opposite, almost being too spend-thrifty. If this description sounds familiar to you then you might be an ox, but to verify, if you were born in the years 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985 and 1997 then you are an ox.


In Chinese astrology, tigers are known for being indecisive, however many say they can be good leaders. They are extremely competent and independent - almost to a fault. Many tigers have problems taking orders from others as they feel they are the ones who should be giving the orders. They are deemed selfish but also are very caring and loving partners. Those born in the years 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986 and 1998 are frisky tigers.


Rabbits are considered very pleasant, preferring to blend into the background rather than facing confrontation. They are honest, very intuitive and often loved by others as you can always count on a rabbit to give you a bright smile. Sometimes rabbits have a tendency to live in a fantasy world and have to be shaken out of it, but all-in-all they are said to be very pleasant to be around. Rabbits are born in the years 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987 and 1999.


Dragons in Chinese astrology are said to be very courageous and energetic and can sometimes spew their fire in a fit of anger. They do this because they believe in justice and expect it at all times - and when they don't receive it, trouble may shine over the horizon. Dragons are born in the years 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000.


Snakes are said to be attractive and charming with a passion for helping others - as long as that help is not monetary. They are mistrustful of other people's information, preferring to investigate on their own, which isn't really a bad thing for many find great success this way. Snakes are born in the years 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001.


If you are a horse, according to Chinese astrology, you love to socialize and are probably a very popular person. You seem to be very confident but are using that as a mask to hide your insecurities. Horses can also be hopeless romantics who daydream about frolicking through fields of dandelions with their lovers; however, by being such a daydreamer, they often forget to see the real person they love and are sometimes disappointed. If you were born in the years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 and 2002 then you are a frolicking, daydreaming horse.


Goats are deemed very artistic and creative with just as much of a propensity toward being insecure. Some are said to have frequent bouts with depression but can be pulled out of it through a loving relationship with a caring partner. You are a goat if you were born in the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003.


If you are naturally business-minded then you may very well be a monkey in Chinese astrology. Monkeys are said to be very successful in business and have tons of common sense to guide them through tough decisions. In the love arena, they are known for being very loyal and great marriage material, so if you know a monkey, or are one, get ready to hang in there for the long haul. If you were born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992 and 2004 then you are a monkey.


Roosters are often thought of as too blunt and tactless when it comes to the art of communicating. However, if they find friends who understand them through their tough exterior, they normally have those friends for life. Sometimes roosters are loners, enjoying their own company more than being with others, but it is advised that they periodically come out and visit with the hens. Roosters are born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005.


Dogs are said to be human diaries and are very trustworthy when told a secret. They are said to be very hardworking and respectful of others. However, in the relationship arena, they can be somewhat selfish and overly critical, which can push close people away. So if they want to have success at personal relationships, they have to learn to lighten up. Dogs are born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006.


Pigs are often shy but also work well in a team environment. They make great friends due to their loving and caring demeanor, and make great family-oriented people because they know how to put others first. You are a pig if you were born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 and 2007.

Many don't take Chinese astrology very seriously - but then they may not take any form of astrology seriously. But if you find it interesting, I encourage you to research more about it. It may give you insight into who you are - and maybe even help you change characteristics that they brought to light.

Want to know if you're going to have a good day before the day even starts? Have your horoscope sent to your mobile phone daily!

Jeffrey Meier at Jam727 Enterprises at http://www.thearticlehome.com blog offers even more detailed information on a wide variety of topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_Meier

Internet Marketing Explained In 5 Minutes Or Less

Internet marketing is still a complete mystery to a large
majority of Internet users. For many net users, online
marketing is seen as some foreign area of the web, populated
with silly get-rich-quick schemes and unsavory characters
ready to rip off the innocent and uninformed consumer at
the click of a mouse.

In fact, Internet marketing could not be further removed
from this unfaltering picture. In reality, Internet marketing
is populated mainly with hard working professionals promoting
and selling high quality brand products by many of the world's
Top 500 companies.

Worldwide there are now over a billion Internet users,
representing one large global consumer base or marketplace.
The total amount of goods sold online has been steadily
increasing each year as the Internet gains in both popularity and
familiarity. Studies have shown people shop online because of
lower prices, a wider selection of products, easier comparison
shopping, and many just prefer not having to travel to stores
to make a purchase.

Handling all this online e-commerce is a whole sector of
companies, hosting providers, web designers, advertising
agencies... and so on. All this online commerce has also
given rise to a relatively new creature --- the professional
Internet marketer. Someone who makes a lucrative living
helping facilitate, in one form or another, all this online

Still Internet marketing has gotten a raw deal.

If you mention to any group of professionals that you're
an Internet Marketer and that you work full time on the Internet;
you will receive some very skeptical looks and more than one
arched eyebrow of disbelief.

Regardless of this lingering skepticism, Internet marketing
has become a viable alternative for many disgruntled professionals
dissatisfied with their working hours or conditions. It has become
a viable alternative for many people from all walks of life, from
the college student to the bored housewife to the retired doctor...
all are enjoying a part time or full time income from the comfort
of their homes.

And since the Internet is now practically available to everyone,
anywhere in the world --- Internet marketing is a level playing field.
Anyone can make a full time or part time income from the web if
they truly desire it.

There are many forms of Internet marketing. There are many online
business models you can follow. There are countless ways to earn
a good honest income from the Internet. Which path you take
will be largely determined by your own work habits, your background
and what marketing style you're most comfortable with.

Here's a quick rundown of the most popular forms of Internet

1. The Brick and Mortar Store Online

Most major companies and retail stores have created online
versions of their brick and mortar businesses. Even if
consumers don't buy online, many use these sites for
gathering product information before buying in the
real world. A factor many savvy businesses are exploiting
in their overall marketing strategies.

2. Online Services

Many service industries have moved online, everything
from travel to banking to dating! Again, the Internet
can be a profitable extension for any service company.

3. Internet Products/Internet Gurus

Internet marketing has a whole history of pioneers who
have forged the methods and techniques of marketing online -
opt-in lists, mini-sites, article marketing, pay-per-click
advertising, joint ventures... a brief history populated with
such names as John Reese, Marlon Sanders, Ralph Wilson,
Yanik Silver, Corey Rudl, Ken Evoy and countless others.

A whole new industry has grown around 'How-to' market online,
info products, workshops and web seminars --- teaching
people how to market on the Internet. A marketer creating
his own product can prove very productive; as seen
by John Reese's 2004 launch of Traffic Secrets, which earned
over a million dollars in one day. (Without a penny of paid

4. Online Advertising and Promotion

Pay-Per-Click advertising such as those offered by Google
Adwords and other companies presents another viable marketing
route. Keywords (the exact words typed into a search engine)
fuel a large portion of the web's activity, keyword marketing
has become a major driving force behind most of the economic
transactions on the web. This is a very lucrative sector for
those Internet marketers who know exactly what they're doing.

Then there is the whole section of SEO experts and consultants
who command high prices for positioning companies or products
in the top positions on the major search engines. Acquiring
organic Top 10 search results (SERPs) will greatly determine the
profitability of your online product or company.

5. Affiliate Marketing

One of the least understood, yet one of the most profitable
forms of Internet marketing is affiliate marketing. An online
marketer can join any affiliate program and promote its products
or services on the Internet. You market the products, find
customers for the company and receive a cut or commission
for each sale you make from your marketing efforts. These
commissions can run anywhere from 2% to over 50%. One affiliate
click can earn you anywhere from a few cents to several
hundreds of dollars.

Major third party affiliate programs or companies such as
Commission Junction, LinkShare, Amazon, Shareasale...
acts as a brokerage or go-between representing thousands of
Top Brand companies such as Sony, Apple, Dell... to online
affiliate marketers. Marketers can join a program such as
Commission Junction or LinkShare and be able to promote and
market hundred of top quality products or services online. They
can consolidate their affiliate marketing through these
third party programs.

Perhaps the most common business model for the majority
of online marketers is the last example, or a combination
of advertising and affiliate sales. Many work-from-home
professionals have adopted this business model. They have
created site or sites on the topic that interests them and
of which they have or have gained some expert knowledge.

Once these sites become established and gathering a large
amount of targeted web traffic each day, making a nice income
can only be a matter of putting the Google Adsense code on
their pages and placing a few appropriate affiliate
links on their sites.

The more traffic these marketers deliver to their sites,
the more income they earn. The more unique content they create,
the more income they earn. The more web sites they design,
the more income they earn.

What many people outside of the web marketing field fail
to realize, the Internet is a 24/7/365 business. The Internet
is always on and working for you. It is automatically producing
income for you 24 hours of the day, while you're sleeping, while
you're enjoying a nice meal with friends, or even while you're
on vacation.

Internet marketing can provide you with a lifestyle that is totally
liberating --- you can live and work anywhere in the world. You can
be your own boss, set your own hours and work from the comfort
of your own home. Plus your whole online Internet business can be
automated so it basically runs itself.

Internet marketing is totally flexible. You can adjust your workload to
suit your own work habits. Internet marketing is scalable, once
you have learned how to make your first dollar, it is only
a simple matter of repeating and scaling up what you did to
earn that dollar. Computers and the Internet makes it just as
easy to handle a thousand sales as it is to handle one sale.

As Internet marketing becomes better known, it will gradually earn
more and more respect. It will become a well recognized profession
that many will aspire to and follow as a life long career. Mainly because
Internet marketing will give you the freedom rarely seen in any other

It offers you mobility, a high standard of living, and a working
environment that can't be beat. It gives you the freedom to follow
your own interests and hobbies; all the while turning those interests
into viable revenue streams that supports the lifestyle of your
own choosing. When it is all said and done, earning a living just
doesn't get any better than this.

Click Here to Learn how to profit from the internet. This offer is for a free CD that help surfers make money online. No credit card is required.

The author is a former teacher who now works full-time online operating numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools

For the lastest trade information in your own industry try: Free Industrial Magazine Subscriptions

Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Titus_Hoskins

DIY Home Renovation Tips - A Step by Step Guide to Home Renovations

When it comes to investment property renovations the question I always get asked is - "how much work should I do"? The answer to this question will change dramatically depending on each person and their current situation. Are you the kind of person that loves DIY (do it yourself) home renovations? Do you love researching cheap renovation ideas? Or does the thought of a month's DIY home renovation make you feel sick? Only you can answer these questions but believe me there are huge advantages of doing minor renovations let alone a full month's work on a property

So let's assume that you have 2-5 weeks to complete your DIY renovations, what is a realistic goal to try and achieve? To a certain extent this will depend on your budget but you would be surprised at how much you can get done if you find some good cheap renovation ideas. My DIY renovation budget is the same for every project I do - I like to call it the "Spend as little as possible" budget! Below is a list of the most obvious and important things that you should look at when attempting a cheap DIY renovation.

Interior Painting

A fresh coat of paint is the easiest way to make a house feel new again. The great thing about painting is that everyone can do it and it's such a rewarding job. I love watching the house slowly get transformed as each new wall is painted and best of all if you do it yourself it shouldn't be too expensive.

RENOVATION TIP: If you're going to paint the house beige don't even bother! Property investors always make the mistake or choosing plain and boring colors. Paint the house as if you were going to be living in it. If you're feeling really adventurous you could even include a feature wall.


Replacing the existing flooring is another way to make your property feel brand new. You can either replace the carpet or in some houses you can polish the floor boards that are under the carpet.

RENOVATION TIP: This is one part of the DIY renovation process that I would recommend hiring somebody to it for you (floor polishing &carpets). The professionals do such a quick, good and cheap job that it's hard to make an argument for doing it yourself. To save some money you can rip out the old carpet and left over staples before the professional come.

Bathroom & Kitchen

These two rooms are very important when it comes to renovating your investment property. If you do have some money in your budget then the Bathroom & Kitchen are a pretty good place to spend it. How much work you do here is up to the individual but I would recommend trying to get both of these areas clean, modern and usable.

RENOVATION TIP: Rather than re-tiling you can use Tile Paint to great effect. I have used 'White Knight' tile paint over the top of outdated 80's tiles and the results have been outstanding.


Replacing old Light fittings, door handles and cupboard fittings is a great DIY renovation idea. It is a very easy and cheap way to create a more 'modern feel' in your Investment property.

RENOVATION TIP: Look at the expensive designer brands and then find good quality imitations that are a quarter of the price.


One full day in the garden and you can make a big difference to overall appearance of a house. Pull out some weeds, trim some branches, mow the lawns, sweep the driveway and suddenly your property is looking pretty good. You might be saying "Since when is sweeping the driveway considered DIY home renovation"? Well I don't care what you 'call it' - Gardening, DIY, Renovations, Cleaning - the fact is that putting a day or two's work into your garden will definitely make your house more attractive to potential renters and bank valuers.

RENOVATION TIP: This is a great part of the DIY renovation to get some help from family and friends with. Everyone has done some gardening at some stage and you can even turn it into a bbq event. This will make it more fun and easy as the whole family can come.

Exterior Painting / Render

This might not be your first priority but it will drastically improve the first impressions that people have of your house. If your property is a weather board then a few coats of paint is a great idea or if it's a Brick house then rendering your property can make a massive difference. Render can turn an old and ugly brick house into a modern a beautiful place in a few days.

RENOVATION TIP: DIY rendering is an incredibly cheap way to improve the value of your house. It can be messy and laborious but the results are fabulous.

Hopefully there is something here for everyone. So my answer to the question "how much work should I do on my investment property"? Do as much as you can whilst spending as little as possible. In the perfect world you would complete all the ideas that I have mentioned in about month and for under a budget of $10,000. Is this a realistic DIY renovation goal? Yes I believe it is very achievable, especially if you (or someone you know) have a few 'handy man' skills. Remember that renovating you investment property should be fun and exciting. Best of luck.

Time for some home renovations? Here's a way to cut your costs. Participate in this offer to be eligible to receive a $1000 Home Depot Gift Card.

CLICK HERE for access to a FREE INVESTMENT DVD and an amazing Free Wealth Creation pack valued at over $1000 or for more information on Home renovations visit http://www.BanjoSmyth.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Banjo_Smyth

Monday, September 28, 2009

Planning Your Fairytale Wedding Day

Yes you can have a fairytale wedding. It's easy - one bride's theme for a Cinderella Fairytale Wedding created an event not to be forgotten!

A pure white dress, flowing down to the floor, a train of endless length following gracefully behind, the veil placed strategically under a crown fit for a queen. This is our Princess, and this is her fairytale wedding.

Just imagine walking into a ballroom draped in exquisite gold fabrics and a red carpet leading down to two thrones in the middle. Gold and silver chairs on both sides of the long red carpet. The carpet comes to an end at three steps leading up to a platform of gold and white, two tall thrones, decorated in jewels and dark colored cushions, sitting side-by-side, the prince standing before the left throne. A grand organ in the back right corner of the ballroom plays the wedding theme as the princess makes her way down the carpet, her long train following behind.

She is wearing a flowing gown, a long veil, a gold crown on top of the veil. She is simple, yet elegant, with a gold necklace around her neck, decorated with a charm, or maybe she prefers a stunning Victorian inspired pearl necklace set. The dress is white, maybe with a gold trim, white strapped heels decorate her feet. A gorgeous bouquet of white roses (bridal white signifies happy love), a small gold ribbon keeps these roses bundled together. The bridesmaids to the right are dressed in light colored Victorian ball gowns, long gloves matching their gowns, and each one is holding a single yellow rose in their hand (a yellow rose means “I care”, and signifies friendship), the groomsmen to the left in white gloves and tuxes, all standing in front of the platform, but not blocking the stairs up. Victorian style jewelry would be perfect for these gorgeous bridesmaids. The prince is dressed in a tux as well, with white gloves on, but unlike his groomsmen, he has one white rose pinned to the front of his tux.

The couple give their final kiss, and turn to their audience. As the ceremony comes to a close, the couple walk side by side down the long red carpet, white rice being tossed into the air, not at our couple, and they go outside to be greeted by two white horses, and a round white carriage. The couple ride off in this Cinderella style carriage.

For the after party of the happy couple, the fairytale can be carried over to the wedding reception. The room can be costumed in a Victorian ball style; gold, deep red, and white would be the ideal colors. The tables can be draped in deep red cloth with gold trim, white plates on top, a bouquet of white and red roses (these two colors combined symbolize unity) in gold vases in the center of each table. The tables all surround a dance floor in the middle of the room, white and red rose petals scattered across, this will be where the couple shall share their first dance as a married couple and it should be special. A small stage beside the dance floor would be perfect for a small band. Most importantly, the couple, as well as their guests, should enjoy themselves, so dance the night away! Don’t forget to thank your guests with Cinderella Wedding Favors so they’ll always remember your happily every after fairytale wedding.

Win your fairytale wedding. Click Here for a chance to win a $50,000 fairytale wedding.

Denise Sanger is the owner of http://www.buyweddingfavorsonline.com and http://www.my-wedding-jewelry.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Denise_Sanger

Ten Best Identity Theft Protection Tips

Identity theft in America is a problem that is growing by leaps and bounds with each passing year. Some experts are even calling it an epidemic because of the numbers of people who are being affected by this insidious crime. The best identity theft protection is taking a proactive stance and making it as difficult as possible for the criminals to get their hands on your personal information.

There are ten ways that you can help to foil the bad guys and make their job much more difficult. The bottom line is that the best identity theft protection is following all of these suggestions so that you make yourself an unattractive target and they move on to easier prey.

There are ten ways that you can help to foil the bad guys and make their job much more difficult. The bottom line is that the best identity theft protection is following all of these suggestions so that you make yourself an unattractive target and they move on to easier prey.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip One: Make sure you take special care to destroy all of your private records and account statements. Shred or tear up any credit card statements, bank account statements, insurance policy paperwork and even credit solicitations that you receive that contains any type of personal information, financial or otherwise.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Two: Find a way to keep your mail secure. Pickup your mail immediately after delivery, get a locking mailbox, or a P.O. box so that the crooks can't get their hands on any of your information by snatching a piece of mail. Don't put your outgoing payments in your home mailbox for pickup. A thief can steal those and change the payee's name on your check, not to mention giving them information about where you bank and your account number. Always mail payments at the post office or at other secured drop off points.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Three: Protect your Social Security Number at all costs. Never carry your Social Security card with you or any other type of document that might have it, such as a health insurance card. Never put your Social Security number on your checks as that is a primary target and gives them the information they need to access your bank account and your credit report.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Four: Never leave behind any kind of paper trail. Be sure you take all receipts from ATMs, credit card transactions, and gas stations and properly destroy them.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Five: Don't ever allow your credit card to be out of your sight, even for a moment. Identity thieves are well-practiced and fast! Always keep your eyes glued to your card and if that is not possible then pay with cash.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Six: Be aware of who you are dealing with. If someone contact you and asks for any personal, private identity information or financial information do not provide them with any information until you know exactly who they are, what company they are with, and the purpose of their call. If you believe the call is legitimate, look up the company contact information in your records or online and call them back. Confirm and verify what you were told and then proceed to give your information when you are satisfied that you are talking to an authorized representative.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Seven: Have your name removed from marketing lists. You can significantly reduce the amount of junk mail you receive, including pitches for new credit cards by contacting the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) for instructions. You can also sign up for the national Do-Not-Call registry at 888-382-1222 to cut down on the telemarketing calls you receive. However, this will not stop your own credit card companies, or other companies you are a customer with, from calling you.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Eight: Be extremely protective of your personal information and who you share it with. Ask any representative who asks for your Social Security number, driver's license number or birth-date if the information is absolutely necessary. If it is, request complete information about their privacy policy and if they can flag your account to be sure your information is never shared.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Nine: Keep a close eye on your credit report. Review your report at least once a year and more frequently if you suspect that there is anything suspicious going on with your accounts. If you notice any suspicious activity contact your credit card company immediately and as about their policies on how to report identity theft. There are also credit protection services which monitor your credit report and will alert you of changes on your report and can also help with information about investigating identity theft.

Best Identity Theft Protection Tip Ten: Take time to scrutinize your credit card and bank statements very carefully. Make sure you recognize the purchases and transactions listed and contact the company immediately if you suspect a problem.

Carefully following these ten steps are the best identity theft protection steps that you can take, but even at that there is no rock-solid guarantee that you won't end up being a victim of identity theft. As identity theft in American continues to be a vexing problem for millions of people, you should do all you can to be proactive. In addition, learn how to report identity theft by contacting your bank and credit card companies so that you can act quickly in case you end up having your identity ripped off.

Protect your identity! Participate in this offer can receive a 30-day trial of ID Watchdog - Identity theft protection.

Sam Ellis shows you how to fight back against identity fraud and the actions that must become habits if you are to prevent identity theft. Lean how to maximize your awareness, the types of identity theft, and much more! To receive your free 5-part mini-course visit: http://www.identitytheftprotectionfx.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Ellis

Online Games - Can We Make Money Playing Them?

When we refer to online games we are normally referring to video type games that we play on a computer via the internet. Some video games are played over the internet using mobile phones and video consoles, but generally speaking online games means computer games that need an internet connection to be played. Simple text-based multiplayer games were the first of these types of games as internet connections were slow and expensive when these games were first introduced in the 1980s. Gradually these games became popular in the 1990s, with today's online games featuring virtual communities, realistic graphics and multiplayer games where people can even play one to one or in knock out tournaments for cash prizes. We all know that the internet is the fastest growing market place in the history of the world but did you know that there is an online games sector that is growing 4 times faster than the internet overall! Yes! and it's the "Online Skill Games" market.

There are many styles of Online Games

Some of the different types of online games that exist:

1. Real time strategy games: This type of game is all about strategy where, for your army to fight successfully against the other internet players you need to develop a game plan by building lots of resources

2. First person shooter: Here the players compete with each other one to one. In most first-person type games, the online game allows the death match or arena style of play. In this style of game play the view you see is the one seen from your character's eyes.

3. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG): In this type of game each person has to keep trying to reach the next highest level until he has reached the top one written for that game and these online games can have, simultaneously, thousands of players from every part of the globe, playing in a giant virtual world interacting against or with each other. Gamers can keep playing these types of games for months or even years!

4. Browser type games: These are pastime games that are quick, simple and small that are played in your browser. The popular Java and Shockwave technologies are used to develop these games.

5. Online skill games: An online skill based game is a web game played in tournament format or one to one. Each player pays a cash entry fee to play with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners. The outcome of each competition is based on the player's ability and performance not luck.

How Do Online Game Companies Make Money

All games today, are playable online. How do we make money? This is the question that companies making the online games have to ask themselves. The majority of companies make single-player games that are played at home and in this the player has to beat the artificial intelligence of the enemy. Today these games normally include an online multiplayer version which can be played against or with other Internet players. By selling their game DVD/CDs is how these companies earn their profit e.g. Warcraft 3 and Counter Strike. Advertising and promotions is how browser game companies make their money. MMORPG companies generally charge their players a monthly fee and continue to add content by programming new scenarios etc in their games e.g. Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft. Some don't, but survive because their DVD/CD sales are high e.g. Guild Wars.

What is the future of online games?

Soon there will be a new entry into the online skill games market. According to their Free Online Games Market Report they will be the first company with their new online skill games platform, to launch a business that encapsulates three of the newest phenomena on the internet today. Online Games Entertainment, Social Networking using web 2.0 and a new way of marketing which has been described as Social Marketing 2.0. One of the core differences with this new platform over the conventional models is that we the players can if we want share in the profits while we play our games. With the market today (2007) worth approximately $5.2 billion USD and predicted to rise in the next 3 years to over $13 billion USD that's $412 per second and with social networking sites already reaching 45% of web users and the 4 major Instant Messengers having more than 400 million users between them this potentially could be a whole lot of money.

Play online games and win prizes. This offer is for a free sign-up to Tournament Games as well as receive 10 free credits.

Ian Woods

To read the Free Online Skill Games Market Report mentioned in the article above you can view or download it from http://www.uVmeGamesMaster.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Woods

Getting an Instant Auto Loan Over the Internet

Now a day the Internet has made is exponentially easier to finance or refinance our lives, homes, vehicles and almost anything you could think of. No longer do we have to take only what we can find; we have the choice of looking online for alternatives and better opportunities. It is now easier than it has ever been to be approved for a loan online, specifically, online auto loans. No longer would you have to deal with people, bad credit histories, and lengthy processing times. With a bad credit score it is almost impossible to get financing for an Auto Loan with a dealer in our current markets.

If you were to turn to the internet, it is drastically easier to apply and even get approved for a loan online. It's as easy as filling out a form and waiting to be approved. Some sites can even approve you for an auto loan within a few minutes. Thanks to online auto loan sites, people who never would have been approved can now get that auto loan they desperately need. With a relatively small amount of income, and being at least eighteen years old, you can be approved. It does not matter if you've declared bankruptcy, or have a terrible credit score, you will be approved.

"Even if they have been turned down by earlier lenders for credit issues, they can always apply for online low interest rate auto loans since the internet auto loan programs change almost each day. However, the chances that the loan will be approved at a low interest rate is mostly if the individuals credit history shows timely credit payments, constantly paid bills, and of course no bankruptcies."

The internet opened such a huge market to auto loan companies, and they're all scrambling to get your loan. Even if you have a poor credit score, you can shop around online for a loan with a good rate. The internet has given power to the consumer, and now you need to use the opportunity you have. If anything, it is more likely that you could find a better loan online than any you could find around you, at any credit union, dealership, or bank. Even with a relatively small amount of income, a new car these days can cost around twenty-thousand dollars, and even the average price of a four-year old used car is ten-thousand dollars. If you were to have no internet access, and a bad credit history, you would be stuck with what you can find in your local area.

And even then you'd need a co-signer with a great credit history, and the interest rate on your auto loan would still be through the roof. However, if you do have a terrible credit history, your online auto loan rate can still be high. That's why you need to use every resource you can online to find the best rate you can, and what works best for you and your situation. Search engines are a great place to start. You can specifically search for what kind of auto loan you want and need, and find it within minutes. Although you should always be cautious about sharing your information online, search engines are usually the best resource when trying to find a great online auto loan when you have a bad credit history. With the internet, it's never been easier to find an online auto loan for you and the situation you are in; virtually anyone can and will be approved. It's just a matter of looking in the right place.

Applying for a Automobile Financing Online, has other benefits as well. It makes the hassle of being disapproved credit in a public automobile dealership obsolete. Anyone else having access to your information through encrypted and secure connections. If you are a college student that you car find perfect solution with College Students Auto Loan that offer low auto finance rates for specially for student. Also offer Used Car Loans for the poor credit situation.

Getting an auto loan has never been easier! Click Here to find an auto loan lender for a new or used car in as little as 24 hours.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandra_Mary

Benefits of Online Dating Services

Nowadays, there's a more modern, and organized approach to dating. Welcome to the world of online dating. There are a lot of advantages that go with this method.

Now singles can meet and greet each other without leaving the refuge of their homes. Sounds crazy, but this is now the preferred way individuals, especially young people socialize.

One of the greatest things about online dating is that participants get to specify the exact type of person they are looking for. This can be done by joining a dating online service, or posting a personal.

An online dating service is basically a community of people who gather together to interact, socialize, and make friends with each other. There are a lot of online dating services on the internet.

Some online dating services require participants to subscribe to their websites. The great thing about internet dating services that are run by subscription is that their members are assessed before joining.

Aspiring members are asked to file an application, and are required to meet the guidelines, and requirements that are set by the internet dating service. Some online dating services are more discerning than others. A few selected online dating services even require their members to be prescreened before joining. This is done for the safety of the participants. In return, subscribers are asked to make a monthly payment.

Subscribers are often asked to create a profile that relates basic information about themselves. Usually this includes: age, gender, nationality, and place of residence.

For subscribers this also offers them a chance to express themselves. They can get creative with their profiles. They can also include personal information like hobbies, interests, and specify the type of person they are looking for. Profile guidelines vary depending on the online dating service participants choose to partake in.

One of the main reasons people choose to participate in an internet dating service, is that so many people are doing it! Technically speaking, this increases an individual's chances of finding the right person that's meant for him or her.

In 2004, it was estimated that people who lived in the US, spent more than $460 million on online dating services. This means, that a lot of people are seriously getting online and spending money, trying to find their potential soul mates.

Also, singles who are a part of an internet dating service know that they are there for a reason, which is to meet people, socialize, make friends, and potentially find the love of their lives. So this takes out the guess work of a person's intention out of the equation because everyone who is a part of an online dating community is looking for the same thing.

Also, the availability of an online dating service is irresistible. Individuals can avail of their services 24 hours a day! So participants can log on to their online dating service any hour of the day.

If they are bored, staying in bed because of a sore throat, or they just feel like staying at home on a weekend; they can always check if somebody is trying to contact them through their internet dating service. They can browse through other people's profiles and try to seek out the one that strikes their fancy!

There are a lot of online dating services that are absolutely free! This is beneficial to those individuals who are new to the world of online dating services. Those who just want to have some fun and try something new can try out these free services first, and see how it suits them. Later on, they can move on to the more exclusive, by subscription internet dating services, once they've gotten the hang of online dating.

It is important to note that with online dating services, not everyone who participates, tells the absolute truth! So it vital for participants to practice caution at all times.

An internet dating service doesn't require participants to meet the people they interact with in person. This decision entirely belongs to the participants. So it important to always keep one's wits about, and practice logic, when engaging in these online activities. This will also ensure the safety of online dating participants, and also allow them to have maximum fun!

Internet Dating Get more FREE Internet Dating information here before deciding which Internet Dating Service to join.

Take dating to a whole new level. Sign up for an account and you will have access to thousands of profiles containing beautiful women and wealthy men.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Lim

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rock Band PS3 Beatles Edition - Bring Out Your Inner Rock Star

The Rock Band game series is bound to become one of the most popular gaming series of all time. Perhaps not geared toward those who are blowing each others brains out on COD this type of gaming experience is geared more toward the rock star that live in all of us. With the unique ability to let everyone get in on the act, the rock band experience takes the Guitar Hero of the past and brings it into the present and the future, with the ability to sing, play drums, play guitar, and even bass. The best thing about it is that 4 people can get into the act all at once, for a fun time with family members or friends or a combination of both.

Since Rock Band has become such a big hit, fans are anxiously awaiting Rock Band Beatles PS3 because if you really want to be a big band, then lets face it who better to be than by far the biggest band of all time, the Beatles. With song selections that include everyone's favorites, this release is coming up in the beginning of September 2009 and this new game may just find an older generation rocking out to Rock Band either with or without their kids. After all, there are still plenty of Beatles fans out there who wont let this one pass them by.

The Beatles Rock Band will allow fans to choose from an extraordinary catalog of music that will take gamers on a journey through the legacy and evolution of the Fab Fours astonishing career. This game offers all the perks of the Rock Band experience, and even throws in a few extras like three part vocals and will allow gamers to revel in the unparalleled vocal stylings of the legendary Beatles.

The game will also include a special treat for Beatles fans as you will hear previously unreleased conversations between Paul, John, Ringo, and George, all which have been authenticated, and are said to be them chatting it up on breaks in their studio sessions which were recorded at Abbey Road, more than 40 years ago.

People are going to go after this game for the PS3 platform whether they love the Beatles or just playing. One good idea is to pre-order so you don't lose out in case they sell out.

For PS3 aficionados you will enjoy Rock Band Beatles PS3 when it is out. The new Rock Band Beatles Edition is a Beatles dream made true.

Rock it out to The Beatles. Surfers who participate in this offer can receive a copy of The Beatles Rock Band as well as the complete instrument collection. Email address is required.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_J_Newman

How To Take A Test

How to take a test? Study, for starters. Of course there is more you can do if you want to get a higher score, and you may already know some of the following tricks. If so, consider this a refresher course. Here are some ways to score higher on the next test you take.

Test Taking Preparation

Preparation is an important and often overlooked element of how to take a test. Studies confirm that even if you have studied sufficiently, your score will be higher or lower according to how well you prepare for the test. Beginning with a good night's sleep, here are some test-taking preparations.

- Get good quality sleep. Sleep deficiencies seem to affect response time more than accuracy, but many tests are timed, so get that sleep. Quality of sleep has been shown to be as important as the amount, so sleep well.

- Know what to expect. If you can get a sample test, or a previous version, so you know what kind of questions will be on it, you'll be more likely to study the right things.

- Arrive on time. In general, test-anxiety is bad for test scores. Time pressure adds to test-anxiety, so avoid it by being on time.

- Stay away from nervous test-takers. Anxiety can be contagious, so don't sit near others who are obviously stressed.

- Breath deep. Take several deep breaths and let the tension drain from your muscles.

Specific Test Taking Skills

Beyond studying and preparing, are there skills and techniques to how to take a test? Absolutely! Here are a few of them.

- Continue taking a deep breath now and then throughout the test. this helps relax you and keeps the oxygen level in your brain up.

- Focus on the question in front of you. Total involvement in one question, even for a moment, reduces anxiety. Don't think about the other questions while working on the current one.

- Take notes at the beginning. If you are allowed to take notes, write down any information you might forget. This can be especially useful if you "crammed" for the test just before taking it.

- Try to determine the test makers intent. When an answer seems too easy, and you're sure it's wrong, look for a similar answer. Test makers try to catch sloppy test takers with answers that are close in appearance. Look for other clues to the test maker's intent when you are unsure of the right answer.

- Answer all questions. Unless there is a penalty for a wrong answer (as opposed to an unanswered question), you should guess on questions you are unsure about. On multiple choice tests, eliminate as many unlikely answers as you can and pick one of the remaining ones. You might get half of these questions correct with this method.

The best way to score higher on a test may be to study. Still, no matter how much you study, you know that other factors play a role, so why not apply a bit of proper preparation and a few good test taking skills too? That is how to take a test properly.

Test your brain. Surfers who participate in this offer can take the 10 minute mind test and find out their IQ.

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more Test Taking Skills, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Gillman

Acai Berry Weight Loss

The acai berry weight loss has recently been discovered as one of the newest and innovative ways to lose weight quickly and overall improved health. Today, we choose to live life at a fast pace compared to the previous centuries, and we tend to put our health on the back burner. Lots of fast food joints emerge to match the fast paced life of the normal person. Fast foods might be delicious, but they are not helping when it comes to fat loss, looking good, and feeling good. The acai berries are the answer to that daunting thought.

On further discovering the acai berry juice, you will learn about its losing weight and anti-oxidant properties. The acai berry weight loss is because acai berries are completely enriched with precious and revitalizing vitamins and minerals that assist us in weight loss, along with detoxifying the body from inside out.

The acai berry weight loss is also because acai berry contains Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, that enrich the nervous system, along with fiber, proteins and other detoxifying ingredients that not only help strengthen a person, but also aid in ways to lose weight.

Achieving a good and healthy weight does not come easy. Body fat loss is a slow, yet strengthening process and can only occur when an individual's metabolism and digestive functions are at peak condition. The acai fruit fat loss further enhances these important processes that are a stepping stone to weight loss.

The acai berries are effective and they can be found at most good quality organic grocery stores or at any health food store that specializes in losing weight. They can be bought dry, pulped, fresh or frozen. Other forms of the enhancing acai berry weight loss system can be found online through certified health products websites as well in forms of pulp, juices, supplements and other products.

The nutrient-rich formula can be made a daily habit. Feel free to throw acai berry into your everyday recipes like pies, deserts, or simply have them lying around the house on a fruit plate, because the acai berry is not only delicious, it boosts the metabolism and thereby enhances low carb diet, in a truly healthy and non hazardous way.

For those who are not that much of a snacker of berries, or simply do not have easy access to fresh or frozen acai berries, acai berry weight loss capsules are easily available. It is the simplest and easiest way to benefit from the acai berries.

Make the acai berry weight loss capsules a consistent part of your diet, and you are well on your way to fast and efficient fat loss!

This is a trial offer for Maximum Burn Xtreme, a weight loss product for men. It contains the powerful antioxidant known as Acai Berry. Acai Berry has been used for years to help increase energy, boost your immune system and help you lose weight.

Want to lose weight? Flush out excess pounds with pure acai berry! Acai berry is the world's #1 superfood! This breakthrough new formula combines the scientific research with the amazing anti-oxidant power of acai berries! Learn the secret to celebrity diets! Get FREE acai berry weight loss today! Try Oprah's superfood of the year at http://www.wheretobuyacaiberryjuice.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophia_Brown

A Natural Colon Cleanse Will Assist With Weight Loss

Have you ever struggled with weight loss? It seems like there are two kinds of people in the world--those who don't even have to worry about weight loss and those who struggle just to shed a few pounds. There is an endless variety of diets that claim to help you lose weight. Choosing the best one comes down to finding out which one works for you. But did you realize that if your digestive system isn't functioning at peak efficiency, it may not matter what kind of diet you try?

You colon health has a significant effect on most of your body's systems. The best way to maintain good colon health is to eat a diet rich in fiber. The highly-processed foods of the developed world are filled with manmade ingredients, and these foods are absolutely terrible for your digestive system. It's never too late to improve your diet and start encouraging good colon health, but you may have accumulated a buildup of fecal matter that needs to be cleansed.

A natural colon cleanse provides numerous benefits throughout your body. It can give you a great jumpstart on improving your colon health. A regular program of colon cleansing would be good for anyone trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But what about weight loss? Let's look at some of the ways that a natural colon cleanse will assist with weight loss.

The cleansing action of a colon cleanse will result in more efficient digestion. The colon's job is to eliminate solid waste from the body. But when the colon is lined with old waste matter, the whole process becomes sluggish. Since there are no alternative ways for the body to rid itself of solid waste, everything just backs up and slows down. A colon cleanser will assist with weight loss by restoring your colon to full and effective functioning.

The colon moves waste matter from the small intestine to the anus by a process called peristalsis. The muscles of the colon move in a wave-like manner. But if the colon is lined with hardened fecal matter, this muscle action is hindered. A natural colon cleanse will assist with weight loss by improving your colon mobility. The muscles will work better and move waste more quickly through your system. Some believe that laxatives may accomplish the same thing, but in reality laxatives can be damaging to the muscles of the colon.

A colon cleanse will give you increased energy and endurance. When old fecal matter is lodged in your colon, one of the consequences is persistent fatigue and lack of vitality. This constant feeling of listlessness can make it almost impossible to get the activity and exercise you need to assist with weight loss. After performing a natural colon cleanse, you're almost certain to feel more energetic, lighter and better able to exercise. Regardless of the type of exercise you prefer to do, you'll feel like doing more of it at a higher level after a colon clean.

You may not have realized that there was a connection, but you can probably expect clearer thinking and an improved mental attitude after a natural colon cleanse. When the movement of waste matter through your colon is slowed by the accumulation of fecal matter, you body starts to reabsorb toxins that should be eliminated from the body. These toxins often have an effect on other body systems, including your mental state. After a colon cleanse and the restoration of colon health, you can probably expect to experience fewer bouts of depression and fewer days of clouded thinking. Again, you'll feel more like exercising and being active, which will assist with weight loss.

One positive result you can definitely expect from a natural colon cleanse is relief from constipation. Constipation affects most people at one time or another, and chronic constipation affects one in ten people. Constipation can make you feel lethargic and fatigued, and may lead to other complications like abdominal pain. Nothing can short-circuit your weight loss program quicker than pain and fatigue. A colon clean will relieve your constipation and return your bowel movements to a natural, regular schedule. As your body systems return to normal, weight loss will become much easier for you.

To sum up, a natural colon cleanse will assist with weight loss by improving your overall health, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your digestive system, improving colon health and providing a lift in your energy and mood. Look for a colon cleanse product today and get started on your journey back to health.

Lose weight and feel great. This offer is for a free trial of Liquiboost Colon Cleanse.

Jim McDonald is a passionate writer and webmaster of http://www.colon-cleaners.com an informative website about colon cleansing and how a colon cleanse can help you solve lots of digestive problems.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_A._McDonald

Monday Night Football Trivia - Part 1

Monday Night Football, now on ESPN, is an American institution. Many of the best games in history have been featured over the years on Monday Night Football. Monday Night Football games have been popular with fans and players alike. Fans love it because it usually features teams that were successful during the previous season, and players like it because of the national television exposure during prime time. Here are some great Monday Night Football trivia items.

* Monday Night Football was the second longest running prime time show on network television behind 60 Minutes.
* The number of Monday Night Football games shown on ABC during its 36 year run: 555.
* The broadcaster with the longest tenure on Monday Night Football was Frank Gifford who manned one third of the broadcast team from 1971 until 1998, a total of 28 years.
* The first ever MNF game was won by the Cleveland Browns over the New York Jets on September 21st, 1970.
* Only one time in Monday Night Football history has the game ended in a tie. In 1984, the St. Louis Cardinals and the New York Giants played to a 20-20 overtime tie.
* The New York Jets hold the distinction of losing the first ever Monday Night Football game broadcast on ABC (to the Cleveland Browns), as well as the last ever MNF game broadcast on ABC (to the New England Patriots).
* 1989 was the first year that Hank Williams Jr. sang All My Rowdy Friends Are Here On Monday Night as part of the Monday Night Football introduction.
* The Indianapolis Colts hold the distinction of scoring the most points in a Monday Night Football game with 55 points on October 31, 1988. Two other teams have also scored 50 or more points in a MNF game: on December 23rd, 1991 the San Francisco 49ers scored 52 points and on December 20, 1982 the San Diego Chargers scored a nice round 50 points.
* On November 26, 2007, due to incredible poor field conditions in Pittsburgh, the Steelers vs. Dolphins game totaled the fewest points in MNF history with a final score of Steelers 3, Dolphins 0.
* The most one-sided game in MNF history occurred on December 19, 2005 when the Baltimore Ravens defeated the Green Bay Packers by a score of 48-3 (a difference of 45 points).
* The record for the most shutouts in Monday Night Football history is held by the Seattle Seahawks, having shut out their opponents five times.
* During the 2007 season, the four ESPN Deportes Spanish language announcers covering Monday Night Football games did their announcing of the games from ESPN's Bristol, Connecticut headquarters, never once traveling to the actual games.

Monday Night Football on ABC was an American tradition that many people scheduled their weekends around. Many say that it was ABC's treatment of MNF as more than a game, but as an event itself, that raised the NFL above Major League Baseball as America's Game. ABC's sister cable sports station ESPN now carries Monday Night Football, and though the channel is different, the game remains the highlight of the week in football.

Click Here To Cast Your Vote On Who Will Win This Monday Night Football Game!

Check out http://IQFB.com today for some great football facts and trivia! IQFB.com strives to bring you a healthy dose of "Hey, I didn't know that" type of information. IQFB.com - Get Football Smart!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Peters

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Overview Of The Blackberry Bold

Blackberry Bold

On May the 12th RIM announced the latest Blackberry smart phone, the Blackberry 9000 or Blackberry Bold. Here is a summary of the phone's features.


The Bold is created out of premium materials. The phone is taller and wider than traditional BlackBerries with a black exterior, satin chrome-finished frame and interchangeable colour back plates. The removable back plate come in a variety of colours letting users customise their phones. The latest BlackBerry comes with a newly designed QWERTY keyboard.


The Bold comes equipped with a half VGA colour LCD (480x320), making its display the most vivid ever seen on a BlackBerry. The high resolution, ultra bright display gives the BlackBerry Bold an unparalleled web browsing experience.

Improved Performance

The Bold is the first Blackberry smart phone to support tri-band HSDPA high-speed networks around the world. The HSDPA combined with a next generation 624MHz mobile processor, the phone effortlessly downloads email attachments, streams video and renders web pages


The Bold comes enterprise-grade Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g) perfect for many Wi-Fi environments. A new 'Push Button Setup' speeds up accessing protected networks that require a sign-in process.


The phone comes with integrated GPS allowing the Bold to pinpoint its exact location and gives access to applications like BlackBerry Maps and other location based software.


The Bold includes a rich set of multi-media tools never before seen on a Blackberry. The Bold comes with a 2 megapixel camera with a built-in flash and a 5x digital zoom and video recording capabilities.

The Bold has an enhanced media player which can display pictures, slideshows and films in full screen mode. To manage music on the phone, the Bold comes with the BlackBerry desktop manager. For iTunes users, the new BlackBerry Media sync application allows the phone to sync the Bold with iTunes music collections. Download music onto the Bold from a computer, with High Speed USB 2.0 which allows files to be transferred quickly. For listening to music, the Bold includes two built-in speakers with rich stereo sound. The phone supports polyphonic, mp3 and MIDI ring tones

Other features

The Bold comes with a range of accessories including a stereo head set, travel charger, carry case and USB cable. Other novel features include a 1GB on-board memory, voice recognition software, voice activated dialing, speaker phone and Bluetooth that supports hands free sets and car kits.

The Bold lets gives users a variety of call features such as smart dialing, speed dialing, conference calling and call forwarding. To improve the calling experience, the Bold features noise cancellation technology which offsets background noise.

For more information about other blackberry phones, check out our comprehensive guide to mobile phones

Get 2 free BlackBerry Bolds. Surfers who participate in this offer may be eligible to receive free his and hers BlackBerry Bolds. Email address is required.

Pete is a regular contributor to the Omio.com blog. Pete's favourite phones include the iPhone, the HTC Diamond and the Blackberry Bold.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_JC_Ross

The Head Turning Apple iPod Nano

How cool would it be to have five days’ worth of your favorite music, if you’re someone who plays your favorite music 24/7, or 25,000 of you favorite snapshots suspended from a chain around your neck on a black, or pink, or green, or silver, or blue device about the size of a playing card? Good looks, great listening, and a mammoth memory are the big selling points of the latest version of the rechargeable Apple iPod nano, which retails from between $149 and $249, depending on its memory capacity.

Features Of The Apple iPod Nano

The Apple iPod nano offers internal memory ranging from the five hundred song capacity 2GB to the two thousand-song capacity 8GB so that your 1.4 ounce MP3 companion will keep you dancin’ to its music for up to five days, if your downloaded song choices average four minutes or less. And that’s if your Apple iPod nano is never given any downtime.

Realistically assess how long it would take you to get through two thousand songs, and you may appreciate the amazing job Apple has done packing a ton of consumer value into a very small package! Not only that; Apple has made the process of navigating through two thousand songs a breeze with its proprietary click-wheeling interface. All this in a MP3 62% smaller than the iPod mini, and although there were a few sacrifices to its miniaturization, the improvements far outweigh them. Well, maybe not far, because the whole setup tips the scales at a mere 1.5 ounces.

Apple iPod Nano Colors

While the Apple iPod nano will not get you FM or allow voice recording, its dazzling color screen, outstanding sound , and flash drive all make up for that slight shortcoming, and eliminate the possibility of a dead hard drive to boot. With five casing colors, up from the original white, and the black and white options of the Pod mini, the Apple iPod nano is designed to appeal to the fashion conscious runner; there are blue, pink, green, silver, and black nanos so you can coordinate with your running shoes. White did not make the final cut, perhaps because the original white iPod just got too grubby too quickly.

The Apple iPod nano has a line of accessories to meet any customization and function needs, and its lithium ion battery can provide music for twenty-four hours straight, with a fast cycle recharge getting it to 80% capacity in ninety minutes. A full charge will take three hours. You can also use the Apple iPod‘s amazing color display to exhibit a musically-accompanied show of you favorite photos for up to five hours.

Click Here to participate in an offer and surf to get it for free.

You can also find more info on Ipod Nano Case and Apple Ipod Nano. knowipods.com is a comprehensive resource to know about iPods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Faulkner

Satellite Radio Makes Sense

Like cable television, Satellite radio is fast becoming a new genre of and unto itself. While not having to endure the same regulations as applied by the FCC in regards to free radio, the broadcasters of satellite radio, like cable television, have more options available to them and are able to offer a wider variety of programming as a direct result.

Satellite radio is the cable television of the radio broadcasting world. People can buy a satellite radio subscription in much the same manner that they would subscribe to cable television. The subscription includes various types of radio broadcasting not otherwise available to the listener. These usually include more adult-oriented radio broadcasting since the FCC does not regulate the industry in the same manner that they do for the free radio airwaves.

Since people are paying for the privilege of listening, and satellite radio is a buyer’s market, the wide selection of broadcast media that is available are regulated mostly by what the listeners want and what they are willing to pay for. While satellite radio may not be a viable alternative for everyone, it does offer more listening opportunities for those people who are willing to pay for it. Satellite radio subscriptions vary in cost, but all things being equal, the subscription fees are not at all unattractive when the broad spectrum of radio programming is compared to what limited choices are available without satellite radio.

There are also still some limitations in the availability of satellite radio. While these areas are in steady decline as satellite radio listeners increase in numbers, there are still voids in the market where it is not yet financially feasible to install satellite radio options. It is best to check for the availability of satellite radio before purchasing any satellite ready receivers.

Satellite radio receivers vary in all manner of shape, style and output range and are available to fit the needs of most any satellite radio listener. Deciding which one is best for any given use will require the purchaser to do a little research into satellite radio and what local options are available, then adjusted according to the personal preferences of the listener.

While the advent of Satellite radio technology is seen as a new path to freedom for some and a road to decline for others, the satellite radio of today looks like it is here to stay. If satellite radio is available in your area, it can be a worthy investment. Satellite radio really does offer many options not available to the regular radio listener.

Join the new wave of radio broadcasting. This offer is for a free SIRUS or XM Satellite Radio.

Satellite Radio HQ http://satellite-radio-hq.com/ talks about the history of satellite radio, the equipment you'll need, the satellite radio channels you can receive and much more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Walker

Sony VAIO Laptops - Mobility, Style, Connectivity - The VAIO Has it All!

Sony VAIO is a perfect blend of innovation & style. The range of laptops in VAIO series is huge and simply mind-blowing. These stylish & compact laptops are meant for both business and home users who look for latest functionality and fashionable appearance. Most of these laptops come with award-winning X black displays. These laptops provide you with full working mobility with the built in wireless technology. Sony Laptops also incorporate Adobe Companion pack & VAIO World software. The battery of these laptops lasts longer with the advanced power management. The laptops come with a high-resolution wide screen display, 200 GB hard drive, dual core processor, & integrated 'Blu ray' optical drive, providing you with more power while on the go. You can watch movies, edit hard drive content and a lot more with these tools in your hand. The VAIO range includes many laptops such as the BX LAPTOPS that come with 17" or 15.4" display. The BX series is designed for matching your individual performance & portability. Ultra-mobile & lightweight these notebooks are designed with keeping mobility as the top-most concern.. The CR LAPTOPS are the other members of the Sony VAIO family. The machine is a must have for you if you are looking for compact and fully functional laptops to serve your personal or business purposes. The urbane look is combined with style for creating modern & exciting colour combinations.

Sony has done a wonderful job by producing the huge collection of contemporary, and highly mobile laptops that enable individuals and businesses to stay updated and stay mobile without losing any critical information. You can simply connect to your office while on the go and supervise your managers as to how to go about certain projects and what all need to be done to prevent any losses. Simply saying, VAIO laptops let you stay out of your office or home and do attend all the external important meetings while still keeping you connected to your office. There are several notebooks from which you can make your selection namely the FZ, SZ, TX, and various other VAIO laptops from Sony that can really make a difference to the way you had been doing business so far!

Get Started - Surfers who participate in this offer may be eligible to receive a free laptop.

Adam Caitlin is expert author of Telecommunication industry. Who writes on Mobile Phone Deals, Contract Phones and Sony VAIO Laptops

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Caitlin

Finding Freebies and Free Resources Online

The internet is evolving and changing all the time,
and the free resources, free samples and other freebies which are
available on the web are likewise changing constantly.
As a matter of fact, the only constant in life is change, and the internet is
merely a reflection of real life.
In addition to the ever-evolving world wide web, Freebies also
change over time because of other factors, such as economic reasons. For example, before
the bursting of the technology bubble earlier in the decade,
there were a lot of extra freebies being offered by dot com startups.

These various internet startups had an abundance of spending money that was largely funded
by Wall Street, despite unrealistic profit expectations. So these cash rich dot com companies threw
money at website visitors in the hope that they would eventually be return visitors and possibly customers as well.
This money took the form of excessive freebies including free internet access from AOL (who didn't see their CD-Roms lying around Post offices and other places) and even high speed internet access by Netzero as well as
a plethera of free downloads of almost every conceivable kind. It really got ridiculous because it got to the point where
many regular internet users expected everything for free and were unwilling to pay for anything, knowing they could eventually find a site offering a one time freebie or
perhaps a one-time sample if they surfed and searched the web long enouph. Or you could often find a site that allowed you to download pay software for free, at least for a time.
But ultimately not enouph of these tire kickers and freebies fanatics came back or ordered to make it all profitable and one by one these freebies disintegrated
as it was realized that the vast majority of the people filling out these forms just wanted the proverbial free lunch.

A few profitable ones remain to this day, such as the famous jelly bean free samples. But most faded away over time, especially as the dot com bubble burst wide open
as it came to be realized in Wall Street and beyond that many of these dot coms were never going to be profitable.
So following that rouph and tumble crash a few companies survived and thrived, such as Amazon, Ebay and America Online.
Of course, there are still a variety of free samples, free coupons and other types of freebies available online,
just not in the same numbers as in the pre-crash era. It is still relatively easy to find websites that will send you free samples of
candy, pet food, beauty products and various household freebies such as toothpaste and shampoo.

In addition, free hosting sites still exist, and you can find sites which offer webmaster freebies like
screensavers, fonts, clipart & various graphics, multimedia freebies, travel coupons, software downloads and the like.
Although fewer overall freestuff is available, in a strange way it is easier to find the freebies that exist than ever before.
A lot of this is due to the improved relavency of the big search engines. When you type in free anything these days to
a major search engine they are getting smarter and giving you what you are looking for.

Click Here to participate in this offer and be eligible to receive a free Pink or Black 3G iPhone.

Ryan Joseph is a witer/researcher. Information about Freebies & Free Samples can be found at http://www.aaronsfreebies.com/morefreebies.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Joseph

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Restore Your Credit For Free, It's Fast & Easy

Lately it is not uncommon for folks to have a few problems getting the bills paid on time, considering the loss of job and reduction in pay. Now that you are finally back on your feet you are wondering what you can do to repair the damage that your credit suffered.

You have got plenty of company. There are more than 30 million people in the United States with credit blemishes severe enough (and credit scores under 620) to make obtaining loans and credit cards with reasonable terms difficult.

Or maybe your credit is OK, but you would like to make it better. After all, the better your credit, the lower the interest rates on your on mortgages, car loans and credit cards.

Understanding Your Credit Score

In order to improve your credit score, it's important to know where you stand currently. Despite all the media attention given to free credit reports, you still have to pay to find out your credit score, the three-digit number ranging from 300 to 850 that is the key to your borrowing costs. You can obtain your FICO credit scores, the ones lenders use, from MyFico.com. Or you can get Experian's "consumer education" version here. Once you know what your score is, let the restoration begin.

Now you are ready to take the steps to speedy credit repair:

1) Pay your credit cards down. Paying off your installment loans (mortgage, auto, student, etc.) can help your score, but typically not as dramatically as paying down -- or paying off -- revolving accounts like credit cards.

The credit-scoring formulas like to see a nice, big gap between the amount of credit you are using and your available credit limits. Getting your balances below 30% - 40% of the credit limit on each card can really help.

While most debt counselors recommend paying off the highest-rate card first, a better strategy here is to pay down the cards that are closest to their limits.

2) Use your cards lightly. Hefty balances can hurt your score, regardless of whether you pay your bill in full each month.

You typically can increase your score by limiting your charges to 30% or less of a card's limit. If you are having trouble keeping track, consider using a check register to track your spending, logging into your account.

3) Know your limits. Your score might be artificially depressed if your lender is showing a lower limit than you have actually got. Most credit-card issuers will quickly update this information if you ask.

If your issuer makes it a policy not to report consumers' limits, however -- as is the usual case with American Express cards and those issued by Capital One -- the bureaus typically use your highest balance as a proxy for your credit limit.

You could go on a wild spending spree to raise the limit, but a more sober solution would simply be to pay your balance down or off before your statement period closes. Check your last statement to see which day of the month that typically is, then go to the issuer's Web site about a week in advance of closing and pay off what you owe. It won't raise your reported limit, but it will widen the gap between that limit and your closing balance, which should boost your score.

4) Do not close out an old card. The older your credit history, the better. But if you stop using your oldest cards, the issuers may stop updating those accounts at the credit bureaus. The accounts will still appear, but they won't be given as much weight in the credit-scoring formula as your active accounts, said Craig Watts, an executive at Fair Isaac & Co., one of the leading credit scorers.

Begin to take small steps and watch you credit score increase rapidly.

Click Here to Start Restoring Your Credit. Surfers who participate in this offer can apply for a pre-paid Visa card.

Lisa Jefferson, Lending a hand to help others restore what has been damaged. Get additional information at http://www.helprebuildmycredit.com or http://www.lisajeffersonhomebuyers.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Jefferson

Tax Relief Attorneys

Tax-relief attorneys are attorneys who help taxpayers with tax-related issues and, in particular, assist taxpayers with obtaining all of the tax relief that they are eligible for from the federal and state tax authorities. Most tax-relief attorneys focus on providing their clients with services related to offer in compromise, full audit representations, and penalty abatement petitions. Tax-relief attorneys work as private practitioners or are employed with tax firms. Most of these tax firms have dedicated tax personnel who also undertake preparation of tax forms and filing of taxes, apart from helping clients with obtaining tax relief.

The federal and state tax authorities have numerous tax-relief programs that are aimed at reducing the tax burden on the taxpayers. Most of the tax-relief measures come under property tax relief, income tax relief, and relief for small business owners. However, working through the tax forms and finally obtaining the eligible tax relief is quite a challenge to many taxpayers. Tax-relief attorneys are particularly helpful in this situation since they are trained in taxation and law and are aware of the constant changes to tax regulations and legislations both at the federal and state levels. Since tax relief is targeted in a large part at taxpayers belonging to the low income and senior citizen categories, the services of a tax-relief attorney can be very crucial in ensuring that the tax relief is quickly and easily obtained.

In short, tax-relief attorneys are professionals who help with resolving tax-related issues. The broad services that they provide can be listed as settling tax debt for a fraction of the debt; stopping wage garnishment, tax levies, and property seizures; settling state and payroll tax; trust fund recovery; tax planning; audit representation; and investment advice. So, even though tax-relief attorneys focus on providing services related mostly to tax relief, they also engage in other tax-related work.

Tax Relief provides detailed information on Tax Relief, Income Tax Relief, Property Tax Relief, Tax Relief For Small Businesses and more. Tax Relief is affiliated with State Tax Refunds.

There is no worse a feeling than owing the IRS come tax season. 411 Tax Relief offers a free consultation at absolutely no cost.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Valentino

Cash Advance Application

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding Cash Advance Application. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Cash Advance Application.

The deregulation of consumer finance laws has now made it possible for you to obtain a cash advance quickly and conveniently. Previously is was quite difficult to get a cash advance in a quick manner when someone needed a little extra cash. Today we satisfy thousands of happy customers by providing them with access to quick cash advances to cover "emergency" and "unexpected" bills and situations. And now with an online cash advance you no longer have to visit a payday loan store or pawn shop to get a cash advance loan. From the comfort of your own home you can get the cash you need quickly and conveniently. Its really just that easy.

Cash Advance Online: By requesting a cash advance online you can forgo the extra time it require to visit a payday loan store or pawn shop and request a cash advance loan. With only a few clicks you can now get up to $500 overnight.

Cash Advance Loan: A cash advance loan does not require much. The collateral for your loan is your job. As long as you have a decent job and bank account most people can easily qualify for a cash advance loan.

Cash advance applications may be just the thing a consumer needs if they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. When bills seem insurmountable and a consumer is not sure what to do, it is important to know that there are answers available. In situations when payments seem to be much larger than income, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Consumers must understand that in these times of financial strain a cash advance application could provide a solution. Many financial companies and institutions are available to offer the financial assistance that individuals may desperately need.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

Filling out a cash advance application may be necessary in many situations such as unexpected expenses or monthly bills. In cases where medical bills, employment problems, or other financial strain is overwhelming, receiving help in the form of a cash advance may be the key to seeking freedom from these problems. In any situation where extra financial assistance is needed, consumers have the ability to seek one of these companies for help. Taking the time to answer the questions and fill out the form or application can offer the first steps to repairing any money problems that may be an issue for the consumer. Whether unexpected expenses or monthly bills are the problem, these companies exist to assist the consumer.

There are many places that individuals can turn for help in this situation when financial help is needed. Visiting a local company sometimes referred to as a payday center, will be a great way to seek information on a cash advance application. Asking questions about the actual process, including what information is needed and how long the process will take can be very useful in determining when and if this is a good choice to make. It may also be useful to ask about the fees that are required for this type of service before filling out cash advance applications.

If these local businesses are not available or they can not provide the best service options for an individual, the Internet can be a great place to seek help. The Internet is a much more convenient option. Search engines are available to provide assistance for individuals seeking information on countless topics, including cash advance applications. Many financial companies exist solely on the Internet, with no local branches or offices for consumers to seek. This allows the consumer to work from his or her home or office to search for information on the process, applications, and fees that are required to receive a cash advance.

When filling out cash advance applications, there will be many questions that must be answered. Most importantly, personal information including name, phone number, social security number, and address will be required. This information will allow the company to check the financial records of the individual. Information may also be needed on collateral items that the individual may have for the advance. This could include such items as a house, vehicle, boat, and other large items. Some companies may also require a description of why the money is needed and what it will be used for. Finally, the company will need to know when the money needs to be received by the applicant in order to pay off bills, expenses, or whatever the money is going to be used for. This process can be a long and daunting experience. Having faith in God and praying along with completing these forms can make the experience much easier. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

ePlatinum Direct - Need cash? Surfers who sign up for this offer can get a $2500 Elite Plus Mastercard, and can become eligible for a $2500 cash advance.

If you want to find out all information visit URL: livecci.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Voraphong_Pengtong

Voraphong Pengtong - EzineArticles Expert Author